re·form: (r-fôrm) v. re·formed, re·form·ing, re·forms v. tr. 1. To improve by alteration, correction of error, or removal of defects; put into a better form or condition. 2. To cause (a person) to give up harmful or immoral practices; persuade to adopt a better way of life.
ma·ma or mam·ma also mom·ma: n. (also m-mä) Informal. Mother.


Tag. I'm It.

I was tagged by Charlene to list my top seven favorite songs right now.

These are in no specific order:

1. It Is Well -- Selah
2. Glory -- Selah
3. Precious Lord/Just a Closer Walk with Thee -- Selah
4. I will Sing of My Redeemer -- Selah
5. Be Thou Near to Me
6. I am A Promise -- Veggie Tales
7. Great is Thy Faithfulness -- Selah

I tag:
and who ever else reads my blog because I only know of about two people who do read it. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You like Selah, huh? :) I like them too.

I'll do the meme sometime later today....just got home from camping and I'm whooped.

2:05 PM

Blogger Bob Cleveland said...

1) Holy is the Lord - Winds of Worship w/Rae-Helen Feisendsen
2) Daystar - Anybody (incl Gaither Vocal Band)
3)Show Me Your Way - Hillsongs
4) What the Lord Has Done in Me - Hillsongs
5) More Than Enough - Brooklyn Tab
6) You Lift Me Up - I don't know who .. the duet version
7) Where Would I Go - Lindell Cooley

I'm posting them here to show you I read your blog from time to time, too, and also if I put them anywhere else, you wouldn't know it.

God bless.

3:27 PM


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